The Well

Covenant Promise

We covenant together as followers of Jesus

Walking together in ways known and yet to be made known. 

Watching over one another, Serving one another, 

Sharing with one another and learning from one another

always expressing our faith through Love.  


Committed to Being with Jesus, 

Becoming like Jesus and Doing what Jesus did. 

Surrendered to His Kingship, 

filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit, 

held and made whole in the Father’s Love. 


A people rooted and planted in this local church family, 

growing together, practicing the ways of partnership, 

pursuing Christ’s kingdom in us and through us

to transform and give life, 

living out Jesus’ great commission

to go into all the world and make disciples. 


Acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with God, 

Joyfully, drawing from the wells of salvation.

Partnering in the gospel, to see God’s good work in us

being brought to completion.

